Cadeira / Chair Leda

Cadeira / Chair Leda
Dali - Quadro / Painting “Femme à la tête rose” (1935)

O mobiliário é realmente muito Dali, mas dificil de combinar num ambiente não absolutamente surrealista. Para uma decoração especial foi elaborada a cadeira Leda em negro, os profissionais ficaram entusiasmados, fomos desafiados a tingir de negro para ser menos controversa a sua integração num projecto de interiores.

The furniture was really very Dali but diffucult to combine in an interior not absolutely surrealistic. When for a special set-up we made a Leda chair with aged black patina and observed the entusiastic reaction of professionals, we were convinced that this crazy objects would look much less controversial in a decoration if they were dyed black.
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